Guppies Collection

Discover our Freshwater Guppies Collection, perfect for both seasoned aquarium enthusiasts and beginners. This collection features a vibrant array of guppies, known for their striking colors and lively personalities. Whether you’re looking to add a splash of color to your tank or create a peaceful community, our guppies are the ideal choice. Explore the diverse options and find the perfect guppies to enhance your freshwater aquarium.

Female Betta Fish FAQs

Why do guppies hang out at the top of the tank?

Guppies often stay near the top of the tank due to low oxygen levels at the bottom, where they can easily access more oxygen. Other reasons include feeding habits, curiosity, or inadequate water temperature. Ensure your tank is well-aerated and properly maintained to keep your guppies healthy.

How long do guppies live?

Guppies typically live between 1 to 3 years, depending on the care they receive, including proper tank conditions, diet, and overall health management.

Will guppies be okay with a severum?

Guppies and severum fish generally should not be kept together. Severums are larger, more aggressive fish that may see guppies as prey. For a peaceful tank, it’s best to avoid mixing these species.

How many guppies can be kept in a 10-gallon tank?

A 10-gallon tank can comfortably house 5-7 guppies. This ensures they have enough space to swim and maintain good water quality. Always consider the ratio of males to females and avoid overcrowding.

What do guppies eat?

Guppies are omnivores and thrive on a varied diet. They eat high-quality flake food, brine shrimp, daphnia, and vegetable matter like blanched spinach or peas. Providing a balanced diet ensures vibrant colors and good health.

What is a guppy fish?

Guppy fish, scientifically known as Poecilia reticulata, are small, colorful freshwater fish popular in aquariums. Known for their vibrant hues and ease of care, guppies are a favorite among beginner and seasoned aquarists alike.

How can you tell if a guppy is pregnant?

A pregnant guppy typically has a darkened gravid spot near her anal fin and a noticeable bulge in her abdomen. As she nears birth, her belly will become more squared, and you may even see the fry’s eyes through her translucent skin.

Can a betta fish live with a guppy?

Betta fish can sometimes live with guppies, but it depends on the temperament of the betta. Some bettas may become aggressive, especially towards male guppies with bright colors and flowing fins. It’s crucial to monitor their interaction closely if housed together.

Do Female Betta Fish require a heater and filter in their tank?

Yes, like males, Female Betta Fish thrive in a stable environment that includes a gentle filter to keep the water clean and a heater to maintain a consistent temperature suitable for these tropical fish.

Do guppies lay eggs?

No, guppies do not lay eggs. They are livebearers, meaning they give birth to free-swimming fry. This is one reason why guppies can rapidly populate a tank if not managed carefully.

How do you know if a guppy fish is dead or just resting?

A guppy that is resting will usually hover in place with subtle fin movements, while a dead guppy will be motionless, often floating or sinking. Check for gill movement and response to stimuli to determine if the fish is alive. If there are no signs of life, the guppy is likely deceased.

What fish can live with guppies?

Guppies are peaceful fish that do well with other non-aggressive species. Ideal tank mates include mollies, platies, tetras, corydoras, and shrimp. These fish have similar care requirements and won’t compete aggressively for food or space, creating a harmonious aquarium environment.

Do I need a heater for guppies?

Yes, guppies thrive in tropical temperatures between 72°F and 82°F (22°C to 28°C). A heater is recommended to maintain a stable water temperature, especially in colder climates or during winter. Keeping the water within this range helps prevent stress and promotes healthy growth.