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    Can Goldfish Live with Bettas? Compatibility Guide for Aquarists


    Can Goldfish Live with Bettas? Compatibility Guide for Aquarists

    Goldfish and bettas are two of the most popular fish that people keep in aquariums. They're colorful, have fun personalities, and are relatively easy to care for, making them great choices for both beginners and experienced fish owners.

    But a lot of people wonder - can these two types of fish actually live together in the same tank? In this guide, we'll look at whether goldfish and bettas are compatible, and share some tips to help you keep your aquarium healthy and happy if you do decide to house them together.

    Understanding the Differences

    Goldfish and bettas may seem like a perfect match due to their popularity and perceived ease of care. However, these fish species have fundamental differences that make them incompatible tankmates. 

    Let's take a closer look at these differences:

    Water Temperature

    Goldfish are cold-water fish that thrive in temperatures ranging from 65°F to 72°F (18°C to 22°C). 

    On the other hand, bettas are tropical fish that require warmer water temperatures between 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C). 

    Keeping both species in the same tank would mean compromising the ideal temperature for one or both fish, potentially leading to stress and health issues.

    Water Parameters

    Goldfish prefer neutral to slightly alkaline water with a pH between 6.0 and 8.0. 

    Bettas, however, often come from waters with lower pH levels, typically between 6.0 and 7.0. 

    Additionally, bettas are more sensitive to water quality and can be affected by the high ammonia levels produced by goldfish.

    Tank Size and Setup

    Goldfish require a spacious tank or pond to accommodate their large size and active nature. A single fancy goldfish needs at least a 30-gallon tank, while common goldfish require even larger setups. 

    In contrast, bettas can thrive in smaller tanks as small as 2.5 gallons, provided they have adequate filtration and hiding spots.


    Bettas are known for their aggressive behavior, especially towards other bettas and fish with long, flowing fins. 

    Goldfish, while generally peaceful, may nip at the fins of bettas, leading to stress and potential health issues for both fish.


    Goldfish are omnivores that feed on a variety of plant matter and small invertebrates. 

    Bettas, on the other hand, are primarily carnivorous and prefer a diet rich in protein, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and high-quality pellets. 

    Feeding both species together can be challenging, as goldfish may outcompete bettas for food.

    The Verdict: Can Goldfish and Bettas Live Together?

    No, it's not a good idea to keep goldfish and bettas in the same tank. 

    These two types of fish have very different needs, and trying to house them together can cause problems for one or both of them.

    While the idea of keeping goldfish and bettas together may seem appealing, it's simply not a good idea. The risks of stress, aggression, and health problems are too high. 

    If you really want to keep both goldfish and bettas, it's best to have separate tanks for each species. That way, you can provide the ideal conditions for each fish and avoid any potential conflicts or health issues.

    Alternative Tank Mates for Bettas

    If you are set on keeping a betta, there are several alternative tank mates that are more compatible with their care requirements and temperament. 

    Some suitable options for them include:

    • Corydoras catfish
    • Tetras (avoid long-finned varieties)
    • Rasboras
    • Harlequin rasboras
    • Platies
    • Guppies (avoid males with long fins)
    • Endlers livebearers
    • Nerite snails
    • Mystery snails

    When selecting tank mates for your betta, it is essential to choose peaceful, non-aggressive species that are similar in size and have compatible water requirements. Avoid fish with long, flowing fins, as bettas may perceive them as rivals and become aggressive1.

    Alternative Tank Mates for Goldfish

    Goldfish are social fish and thrive in the company of their own kind. If you have a large enough tank or pond, keeping a group of goldfish together can be a great option. 

    Alternatively, you can consider the following tank mates for your goldfish:

    • Koi
    • Shubunkins
    • Comets
    • Shubunkins
    • Oranda
    • Lionhead
    • Fantail
    • Veiltail

    Remember that goldfish are messy eaters and produce a significant amount of waste. Ensure that your tank or pond has adequate filtration and perform regular water changes to maintain optimal water quality.


    Goldfish and bettas are both super popular fish that people like to keep in aquariums. But just because they're both popular, doesn't mean they can live together in the same tank. 

    At Tropicflow, we really know a lot about what different fish species need to be happy and healthy. That's why we're dedicated to providing our customers with only the highest quality fish.

    Tropicflow offers a wide variety of tropical fish, from common favorites like guppies and bettas, to rare and exotic species you may have never seen before. And with our 100% live arrival guarantee, you can shop with confidence knowing your new fish will arrive safe and sound.

    So come on down to Tropicflow today and let us help you find the perfect fish to add to your aquarium!


    Some sound advice here, and some helpful tips on caring for them too!

    One thing I’d note is that all the tankmates you listed for goldfish are just different types of goldfish (with the exception of koi), but as you said they do beat when housed with other goldfish, though I’d advise against keeping single-tail and fancy varieties together as fancy varieties tend to be poor swimmers and will likely end up getting bullied or outcompeted by them.

    Gar G
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