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    The 9 Most Striking Variegations in Monstera Plants


    The 9 Most Striking Variegations in Monstera Plants


    Monstera plants have taken the indoor gardening world by storm, not just for their iconic split leaves but for their stunning variegations. Variegated Monsteras, with their mesmerizing patterns and colors, are coveted by plant enthusiasts and collectors alike. Let's dive into the fascinating world of these beautiful variegations and explore what makes each one unique.

    Monstera Thai Constellation

    Monstera Thai Constellation

    Origin: Thailand
    Care Level: Moderate
    Price Range: $200 - $500
    Popularity Level: Very High

    Monstera Thai Constellation is one of the most popular variegated Monsteras. This variety features a spectacular pattern of creamy white splashes and speckles against a backdrop of dark green leaves. Because it is easier to care for compared to other variegated types, Monstera Thai Constellation is now widely available at major indoor plant stores at an affordable price, ranging from $25 to $50 per mature plant.

    Monstera Albo

    Monstera Albo

    Origin: Central and South America
    Care Level: High
    Price Range: $300 - $1000+
    Popularity Level: Extremely High

    Monstera Albo, also known as Monstera Albo Borsigiana, is prized for its striking white variegation. This variety showcases a range of patterns, from large white sections to intricate marbling, often referred to as tiger variegation. The price of Monstera Albo can vary significantly depending on factors like size and variegation. Typically, small cuttings or young plants start at around $100 to $200. More mature plants with high variegation can range from $1,000 to $3,000 or more.

    Monstera Aurea

    Monstera Aurea

    Origin: Central and South America
    Care Level: Moderate
    Price Range: $500 - $1500
    Popularity Level: Rare

    The Monstera Aurea is a variegated cultivar of the classic Monstera Deliciosa. It features a variegation pattern similar to the Monstera Albo, but with blocks and splashes of yellow variegation, creating a striking lemon and lime effect against the dark green leaves. The price of Monstera Aurea can vary widely depending on the size and variegation quality. Typically, small cuttings or young plants can start at around $100 to $200. More mature plants with prominent variegation can range from $500 to over $1,000.

    Monstera Creme Brulee

    Monstera Creme Brulee

    Origin: Central and South America
    Care Level: High
    Price Range: $250 - $600
    Popularity Level: Moderate

    Monstera Creme Brulee, a highly variegated type of Monstera Thai Constellation, is named for its creamy beige variegation. This plant variety is in high demand by collectors due to its unique and sophisticated appearance. Monstera Creme Brulee is now available as cuttings, tissue culture, or even whole plants, which you can easily find at indoor plant markets or major indoor plant stores. Their price ranges between $400 and $600 for a whole plant, depending on the genetics. Tissue cultures cost around $80 to $100 and already carry strong variegation genes.

    Monstera Legacy

    Monstera Legacy

    Origin: Hybrid (various regions)
    Care Level: Moderate
    Price Range: $200 - $600
    Popularity Level: High

    Monstera Legacy is known for its bold and beautiful variegation patterns, similar to Monstera Creme Brulee, which often include large sections of white and light green on the leaves. This plant is in high demand and very rare in the market, making it quite valuable. A cutting can cost between $200 and $500, depending on its genetics. Additionally, because of its high variegation, Monstera Legacy can be quite challenging to maintain and grow, even for experienced collectors. However, its beauty makes the time and effort well worth it.

    Monstera Mint

    Monstera Mint

    Origin: Central and South America
    Care Level: High
    Price Range: $700 - $1200
    Popularity Level: Rare

    Similar to how Albo is distinct from Aurea, plants designated as "Mint" have a variegation pattern that makes them unique from Albo and Aurea. The Mint Monstera features thin green veining over white and lighter green patches on its foliage, setting it apart from Albo Variegata. During the peak summer months of 2021, Mint Monstera leaves sold for as much as $7,000 each in Southeast Asia. The highest recorded sale of this plant was over $86,000 for a large, high-color, mature Mint Monstera with over nine leaves. In 2024, due to the widespread availability of tissue culture, the price of Mint Monstera has decreased and is now quite affordable.

    Monstera Devil Monster

    Monstera Devil Monster

    Origin: Central and South America
    Care Level: High / Expert Level
    Price Range: Bidding from 300000 THB per leaf ($8200 per leaf)
    Popularity Level: Super Rare

    Monstera Devil White Monster, which debuted in the Bangkok plant market in 2024. It features a mix of white and dark green variegation, bringing a fresh look to the world of Monsteras. As it was just released in 2024, this plant is not widely available yet, and its price is currently very high.

    Monstera Yellow Marilyn

    Monstera Yellow Marilyn

    Origin: Central and South America
    Care Level: Moderate
    Price Range: $300 - $750
    Popularity Level: High

    Monstera Yellow Marilyn is another plant with creamy yellow variegation. The plants with high variegation are so rare that collectors and farmers often keep them for themselves. However, you can start with a tissue culture that has slightly lower variegation (the yellow isn't as dark as in the pictures), which is still beautiful and worth the effort.

    Monstera Adansonii Variegata

    Monstera Adansonii Variegata

    Origin: Central and South America
    Care Level: Moderate
    Price Range: $250 - $600
    Popularity Level: High

    Monstera Adansonii Variegata, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, is famous for its unique holey leaves combined with stunning variegation. The white or cream-colored patches against the green foliage create a striking visual effect. The price of Monstera Adansonii Variegata can vary greatly depending on size and variegation. Small cuttings or young plants typically range from $150 to $300. More mature plants with prominent variegation can cost anywhere from $500 to over $1,500.

    Monstera Thai Constellation Light Requirement


    What makes a Monstera plant variegated?

    Variegation in Monstera plants is caused by a mutation that affects the pigmentation in the leaves, resulting in patches of different colors such as white, yellow, or light green.

    How do you care for variegated Monstera plants?

    Variegated Monsteras require bright, indirect light to maintain their unique patterns. They should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry, and it's important to avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

    Are variegated Monsteras more difficult to care for than regular Monsteras?

    Variegated Monsteras can be slightly more challenging to care for due to their light requirements and the need to balance moisture levels carefully. However, with proper care, they can thrive just as well as their non-variegated counterparts.

    Can you propagate variegated Monsteras?

    Yes, variegated Monsteras can be propagated through stem cuttings. It's important to choose a cutting that includes at least one node and a healthy variegated leaf to ensure successful propagation.

    Why are variegated Monsteras so expensive?

    Variegated Monsteras are expensive due to their rarity and the slow growth rate of variegated plants. The demand for these unique varieties often exceeds the supply, driving up the price.

    Do variegated Monsteras revert to green?

    In some cases, variegated Monsteras can produce green leaves if the plant is not receiving enough light. Providing bright, indirect light can help maintain the variegation.

    Where to Buy Variegated Monstera Plants Online

    For those looking to add these striking variegated Monstera plants to their collection, TropicFlow Store is the premier destination. TropicFlow offers a wide collection of exotic Monstera plants, including all the rare variegated varieties discussed in this article. Explore TropicFlow’s extensive range and discover the perfect variegated Monstera to elevate your indoor jungle.


    Variegated Monsteras are more than just a trendy addition to your indoor garden; they are living works of art. Each variety offers a unique display of colors and patterns, making them a prized possession for any plant enthusiast. Whether you're captivated by the creamy tones of Monstera Thai Constellation or the bold contrasts of Monstera White Monster, these striking variegations are sure to add a touch of elegance and beauty to your home.


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