The Mystery Snail, scientifically known as Escargot Mysticus, is a captivating freshwater creature that graces aquatic landscapes with its unique charm. Cloaked in an iridescent shell adorned with hues of blues, purples, and golds, these enigmatic explorers thrive in ponds, aquariums, and slow rivers. With a deliberate and elegant movement, Mystery Snails contribute to their ecosystem by feeding on algae and detritus, ensuring a harmonious aquatic balance.
Customer Review
High Quality Produce
At Tropicflow, we take the health and happiness of our fish, plant seriously. That's why we only send out the best of the best - healthy fish with shiny, vibrant colors and beautifully wide tails. And before they make their way to your aquarium, we give them the royal treatment: two full days of quarantine to ensure they're in top shape and ready for their new home.
Flat Shipping Rates $15
Tropicflow offers UPS 2-day air flat rate shipping for $15, allowing you to consolidate multiple fish in a single order. This cost-effective shipping option ensures swift delivery while giving you the freedom to add as many fish as you desire to your order.
100% Live Arrival Guarantee
At Tropicflow, our top priority is to ensure that our customers are completely satisfied with their purchases. We understand that receiving a shipment with dead livestock or plants can be a frustrating experience, which is why we offer our 100% Live Arrival Guarantee. Rest assured, we are committed to making things right and ensuring that you are happy with your purchase.