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    Aquatic Echinodorus Plant

    The Aquatic Echinodorus Plant is a hardy, vibrant freshwater plant that enhances any aquarium with its lush green leaves. It provides natural shelter for fish, improves water quality, and thrives in various lighting conditions. Easy to maintain, this plant adds beauty and balance to your aquatic environment.

    FAQs about the Amazon Sword

    Why Amazon Sword is Good for Bettas?

    Large, broad leaves – Perfect for Betta fish to rest on.
    Provides hiding spots – Reduces stress and aggression.
    Oxygenates the water – Helps maintain a healthy tank environment.
    No sharp edges – Safe for Betta’s delicate fins.

    Is Amazon Sword Safe for Betta Fish?

    Yes! Amazon Sword plants are completely safe for Betta fish. They provide excellent cover, resting spots, and improve water quality.

    Top 5 Amazon Sword Plants for Beginners

    1. Echinodorus bleheri (Classic Amazon Sword) – Easiest to grow, hardy, and thrives in low-tech tanks.
    2. Echinodorus ‘Rubin’ – Red-green leaves, adaptable, and requires moderate light.
    3. Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’ – Mottled red-green leaves, tolerates various conditions.
    4. Echinodorus parviflorus (Dwarf Amazon Sword) – Compact size, perfect for small tanks.
    5. Echinodorus cordifolius (Radican Sword) – Tall-growing, great for background planting.

    What Family is the Amazon Sword Plant In?

    The Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri) belongs to the Alismataceae family, which includes various aquatic and semi-aquatic plants commonly found in freshwater habitats.

    How to Plant an Amazon Sword in an Aquarium?

    Choose a Nutrient-Rich Substrate – Amazon Swords thrive in fine gravel or nutrient-rich aquarium soil.

    Plant the Roots Properly – Bury the roots while keeping the crown (base of the leaves) above the substrate to prevent rot.

    Provide Moderate to High Lighting – Needs 8-10 hours of light per day for optimal growth.

    Ensure Proper Water Conditions – Ideal parameters:

    Supplement with Fertilizers – Use root tabs or liquid fertilizers for healthy growth.

    Can Amazon Sword Grow in Gravel or Sand?

    Yes, Amazon Sword can grow in gravel or sand, but it performs best in a nutrient-rich substrate. If using gravel or sand:

    • Gravel: Ensure the granules are fine enough for root expansion.
    • Sand: Add root tabs to provide essential nutrients.

    Does Amazon Sword Need to Be Planted?

    Yes, Amazon Sword is a rooted plant that must be planted in the substrate. Unlike floating plants, it requires root anchoring for stability and nutrient absorption.

    Are Amazon Swords Low-Light Plants?

    Amazon Sword prefers moderate to high light but can survive in low-light conditions. However, growth will be slower and less vibrant under low light.

    How to Care for an Amazon Sword Plant?

    Light Requirement: Moderate to high (8-10 hours/day).

    Substrate: Nutrient-rich soil or fine gravel with root tabs.

    Fertilization: Regular root tabs and liquid fertilizers help maintain growth.

    Pruning: Trim dead or yellow leaves to promote healthy new growth.

    How to Propagate an Amazon Sword?

    Amazon Swords propagate through runners:

    1. Mature plants develop small plantlets on long stems.
    2. Once the plantlets grow roots, cut them and replant them in the substrate.
    3. Provide adequate nutrients to support growth.

    How to Propagate Anubias?

    Anubias can be propagated by rhizome division:

    1. Gently remove the plant from its attachment.
    2. Cut the rhizome into sections, ensuring each piece has at least 2-3 leaves.
    3. Reattach to driftwood or substrate, avoiding burial in soil.

    Is Amazon Sword Good for Beginners?

    Yes! The Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri) is one of the best aquarium plants for beginners. It is hardy, easy to grow, and adapts well to a variety of tank conditions.