The Ultimate Care Guide for Discus Fish

The Ultimate Care Guide for Discus Fish
The discus fish living in freshwater is known as the king of aquariums. This is a beautiful fish with an impressive shape and outstanding colors that are favored by many aquarium enthusiasts. However, this type of fish is not easy to care for, requiring the breeder to spend a lot of time and effort to have a perfect aquarium. The below article by will give a detailed guide about how to care for discus fish.

Overview about Discus Fish
Unlike many cichlids, the discus thrives in groups and is generally calm and shy with other fish. It has four main and the fish exhibit a range of markings and designs. Although this fish can be challenging to keep, especially in a mixed tank, people prize the fish for their striking appearance and incredible ability to change color.

Discus fish have a special shape with many colorful colors
The table below will provide you with information about the origin, lifespan, Appearance & Behavior of discus fish.
Content |
Feature |
Origin |
The discus fish is native to the Amazon river in South America. |
Adult Size & Lifespan |
In captivity, they can reach up to 9 inches long. Besides, they can live between 10–15 years. Fish lifespan may be shorter than they would be in the wild because of predators. |
Appearance & Behavior |
Discus fish are one of the most beautiful freshwater fish, known for their large circular shape and spectacular colors. This fish behavior is quite gentle, they can get along well with other species. But keeping it in a mixed-species tank with discus can be difficult because the fish has many strict tank conditions. |
Care for Discus Fish
The discus fish is known as the King of the Aquarium and they’re quite difficult to keep. Below are some tips shared by our experienced who have many years on how to care for discus fish. These are practical and useful tips for beginners in raising discus fish tanks. You can refer to them to raise discus fish at home or work in a fish store.
Water requirements
Aquarium experts often emphasize the importance of regular water changes to maintain optimal conditions for your fish. The frequency of these changes varies depending on the species, tank size, the number of fish, and the quantity of food given. Regular water changes help eliminate accumulated waste, which can harm the fish's health. Additionally, using a fish tank cleanliness test kit and making regular observations can guide you in adjusting the water change schedule to suit your aquarium's specific needs.
Filtration for discus fish aquarium

For those maintaining discus fish tanks, choosing the right filter is crucial. Canister filters are highly recommended for their superior filtration capabilities, which are essential for the delicate environment required by discus fish. These filters provide excellent mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration, helping to keep the water clean and stable. Look for models with adjustable flow rates to suit the gentle nature of discus fish. Top brands like Fluval, Oase, and Hydor offer some of the best canister filters on the market, known for their efficiency and reliability in maintaining optimal tank conditions.
Discus fish tank size
Discus fish tend to live in schools and can easily harm each other if you don’t give them enough space. To reduce competition for food and habitat, you should do some research and choose a suitable tank until the fish are large.
The recommended minimum tank size by us is 40 gallons per fish, or 100+ gallons for a group of three fishes. In addition, when arranging the tank, you can add a few specialized plants for raising fish in pots and some air stones to reduce the risk of oxygen deficiency.

Best food for discus fish
Many people feed their fish the wrong foods, either too large for their mouths or with a taste they don’t like. So if you find your fish not eating and spitting it out, you should check and adjust accordingly. You can prepare foods for fish such as fish meal, frozen or live brine shrimp, live or freeze-dried blackworms, live bloodworm... One thing to keep in mind is that you need to make sure you feed your fish a variety of small foods to get the nutrients they need.

Discus fish tank mates
Discus fish are quite friendly and are not too small to be eaten, so they can live with other fish such as Cardinal Tetras, Sterbai Cory Catfish or a Bristlenose Pleco. However, when adding any fish to the tank, consider the ability of the tank to handle the high temperatures of the discus.
Best Aquarium Plant for Discus Fish
When choosing plants for a discus fish tank, you want species that can thrive in warm water and create a comforting and natural environment for the fish. Here are some of the best plants suited for discus fish aquariums:
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus): This plant is a popular choice because it can grow large and provides excellent cover for discus fish. It also adapts well to the warm water conditions that discus prefer.
Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus): Known for its hardiness and low light requirements, Java Fern can be attached to driftwood or rocks, offering a natural aesthetic without needing substrate.
Anubias (Anubias spp.): Like Java Fern, Anubias is a robust plant that can be attached to decorations and thrives in low to moderate lighting. Its slow growth rate means it requires minimal maintenance.
Water Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis): This plant is adaptable and grows quickly, helping to improve water quality by absorbing excess nutrients, which is beneficial in a discus tank.
Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne wendtii): Crypts come in various colors and sizes, adding diversity to the tank's layout. They prefer warm water and can tolerate the lower lighting conditions often found in discus aquariums.

Cost of discus fish
Raising discus fish can be quite challenging, especially in smaller aquariums. The costs associated with their care and breeding are significantly high, largely due to their specific environmental needs. Depending on the size and grade, discus fish can cost up to $300 each, reflecting their premium value in the aquarium trade.
Despite the substantial investment of time and money required, many enthusiasts are drawn to breeding discus fish. Their striking appearance and unique behaviors make them a prized addition to any aquarium. This passion for discus fish underscores the commitment hobbyists are willing to make for the enjoyment and satisfaction of maintaining these magnificent creatures

Discus fish are relatively expensive because of their appeal
The best place to buy discus fish
Discus fish is a fish that many people are interested in. Currently, there are many places that specialize in providing baby discus fish to serve the needs of customers. However, as mentioned above, this is a rather expensive and difficult fish to raise, so when buying, people need to learn carefully.
You should go to reputable stores or refer to official discus fish selling sites like to choose beautiful, healthy and well-developed fish. If you have the passion, all you need is a spacious space, suitable water conditions and compatible tank mates, a discus tank will add vibrant color and interest to your living space.
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